Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine

Monitor Google Cloud Container Services


This source has been deprecated

observIQ is in the process of transitioning a subset of BindPlane's monitoring capabilities to the observIQ OpenTelemetry Collector. As a result, this Source is no longer publicly available in BindPlane. If you need access to this Source, please reach out to our support via chat or via [email protected].


Not Included in the BindPlane with Google Cloud Monitoring offering

All of the Google Cloud Platform sources listed within this documentation are not included with the BindPlane with Google Cloud Monitoring offering.

For more information on how to use the below LPU and other Google Cloud Data Collection setup. See the Google Cloud Platform Sources

Least Privileged User

A user role with the at least the following permissions is required:


Deploying a Least Privileged User

To learn more about how to deploy a role with these permissions to a GCP Organization, or a GCP Project, please refer to this documentation:
Deploy an Individual LPU role to a GCP Project, or GCP Organization

- cloudnotifications.activities.list
- monitoring.alertPolicies.get
- monitoring.alertPolicies.list
- monitoring.dashboards.get
- monitoring.dashboards.list
- monitoring.groups.get
- monitoring.groups.list
- monitoring.metricDescriptors.get
- monitoring.metricDescriptors.list
- monitoring.monitoredResourceDescriptors.get
- monitoring.monitoredResourceDescriptors.list
- monitoring.notificationChannelDescriptors.get
- monitoring.notificationChannelDescriptors.list
- monitoring.notificationChannels.get
- monitoring.notificationChannels.list
- monitoring.publicWidgets.get
- monitoring.publicWidgets.list
- monitoring.timeSeries.list
- monitoring.uptimeCheckConfigs.get
- monitoring.uptimeCheckConfigs.list
- resourcemanager.projects.get
- resourcemanager.projects.list
- stackdriver.projects.get
- container.apiServices.get
- container.apiServices.list
- container.bindings.get
- container.bindings.list
- container.certificateSigningRequests.get
- container.certificateSigningRequests.list
- container.clusterRoleBindings.get
- container.clusterRoleBindings.list
- container.clusterRoles.get
- container.clusterRoles.list
- container.clusters.get
- container.clusters.list
- container.componentStatuses.get
- container.componentStatuses.list
- container.configMaps.get
- container.configMaps.list
- container.controllerRevisions.get
- container.controllerRevisions.list
- container.cronJobs.get
- container.cronJobs.list
- container.customResourceDefinitions.get
- container.customResourceDefinitions.list
- container.daemonSets.get
- container.daemonSets.list
- container.deployments.get
- container.deployments.list
- container.endpoints.get
- container.endpoints.list
- container.horizontalPodAutoscalers.get
- container.horizontalPodAutoscalers.list
- container.ingresses.get
- container.ingresses.list
- container.initializerConfigurations.get
- container.initializerConfigurations.list
- container.limitRanges.get
- container.limitRanges.list
- container.namespaces.get
- container.namespaces.list
- container.networkPolicies.get
- container.networkPolicies.list
- container.nodes.get
- container.nodes.list
- container.operations.get
- container.operations.list
- container.persistentVolumeClaims.get
- container.persistentVolumeClaims.list
- container.persistentVolumes.get
- container.persistentVolumes.list
- container.petSets.get
- container.petSets.list
- container.podDisruptionBudgets.get
- container.podDisruptionBudgets.list
- container.podPresets.get
- container.podPresets.list
- container.podSecurityPolicies.get
- container.podSecurityPolicies.list
- container.podTemplates.get
- container.podTemplates.list
- container.pods.get
- container.pods.list
- container.replicaSets.get
- container.replicaSets.list
- container.replicationControllers.get
- container.replicationControllers.list
- container.resourceQuotas.get
- container.resourceQuotas.list
- container.roleBindings.get
- container.roleBindings.list
- container.roles.get
- container.roles.list
- container.scheduledJobs.get
- container.scheduledJobs.list
- container.serviceAccounts.get
- container.serviceAccounts.list
- container.statefulSets.get
- container.statefulSets.list
- container.storageClasses.get
- container.storageClasses.list
- container.thirdPartyObjects.get
- container.thirdPartyObjects.list
- container.thirdPartyResources.get
- container.thirdPartyResources.list

Connection Parameters

Private Key JSONRequiredThe contents of the private key JSON file created when setting up a service account.
Metric CollectionControls which metrics get requested from GCP's Stackdriver API.
ProjectsRequiredA comma separated whitelist of project IDs. If the wildcard "*" is used, resources will be collected from all available projects.
ZonesA comma separated whitelist of zones. If the wildcard "*" is used, resources will be collected from all available zones.
Stackdriver Metric Collection TypeSelects whether to pull Kubernetes-Engine metrics from the older GA GCP "" metrics or from the newer BETA external Kubernetes "" metrics.
The older GCP metrics only use IDs for Pods/Containers/Nodes which can both be confusing as well as create shorter lived Pod/Container resources.
The newer Kubernetes metrics do not have these issues, but they are charged at a higher external metric rate by Google.
Connection TimeoutThe number of seconds to allow for connecting to the target.



Addons Configuration Horizontal Pod Autoscaling DisabledWhether the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling feature is enabled in the cluster. When enabled, it ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service.
Addons Configuration HTTP Load Balancing DisabledWhether the HTTP Load Balancing controller is enabled in the cluster. When enabled, it runs a small pod in the cluster that manages the load balancers.
Addons Configuration Kubernetes Dashboard DisabledWhether the Kubernetes Dashboard is enabled for this cluster.
Addons Configuration Network Policy Configuration DisabledWhether NetworkPolicy is enabled for this cluster.
Create TimeThe time the cluster was created, in RFC3339 text format.
Current Master VersionThe current software version of the master endpoint.
Current Node CountThe number of nodes currently in the cluster.
Current Node VersionThe current version of the node software components. If they are currently at multiple versions because they're in the process of being upgraded, this reflects the minimum version of all nodes.
DescriptionAn optional description of this cluster.
Enable Kubernetes AlphaKubernetes alpha features are enabled on this cluster. This includes alpha API groups (e.g. v1alpha1) and features that may not be production ready in the kubernetes version of the master and nodes. The cluster has no SLA for uptime and master/node upgrades are disabled.
EndpointThe IP address of this cluster's master endpoint. The endpoint can be accessed from the internet at https://username:password@endpoint/.
Expire TimeThe time the cluster will be automatically deleted in RFC3339 text format.
Initial Cluster VersionThe initial Kubernetes version for this cluster. Valid versions are those found in validMasterVersions returned by getServerConfig. The version can be upgraded over time; such upgrades are reflected in currentMasterVersion and currentNodeVersion.
Initial Node CountThe number of nodes to create in this cluster. You must ensure that your Compute Engine resource quota is sufficient for this number of instances. You must also have available firewall and routes quota. For requests, this field should only be used in lieu of a "nodePool" object, since this configuration (along with the "nodeConfig") will be used to create a "NodePool" object with an auto-generated name. Do not use this and a nodePool at the same time.
IP Allocation Policy Cluster IPv4 CIDR BlockThe IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. If this field is set, then cluster.cluster_ipv4_cidr must be left blank. This field is only applicable when useIpAliases is true.
IP Allocation Policy Cluster Secondary Range NameThe name of the secondary range to be used for the cluster CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for pod IP addresses. This must be an existing secondary range associated with the cluster subnetwork. This field is only applicable with useIpAliases is true and createSubnetwork is false.
IP Allocation Policy Create SubnetworkWhether a new subnetwork will be created automatically for the cluster. This field is only applicable when useIpAliases is true.
IP Allocation Policy Node IPv4 CIDR BlockThe IP address range of the instance IPs in this cluster. This is applicable only if createSubnetwork is true.
IP Allocation Policy Services IPv4 CIDR BlockThe IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. If blank, a range will be automatically chosen with the default size. This field is only applicable when useIpAliases is true.
IP Allocation Policy Services Secondary Range NameThe name of the secondary range to be used as for the services CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for service ClusterIPs. This must be an existing secondary range associated with the cluster subnetwork. This field is only applicable with useIpAliases is true and createSubnetwork is false.
IP Allocation Policy Subnetwork NameA custom subnetwork name to be used if createSubnetwork is true. If this field is empty, then an automatic name will be chosen for the new subnetwork.
IP Allocation Policy Use IP AliasesWhether alias IPs will be used for pod IPs in the cluster.
IPv4 CIDRThe IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g. Leave blank to have one automatically chosen or specify a /14 block in
Label FingerprintThe fingerprint of the set of labels for this cluster.
Legacy ABAC EnabledWhether the ABAC authorizer is enabled for this cluster. When enabled, identities in the system, including service accounts, nodes, and controllers, will have statically granted permissions beyond those provided by the RBAC configuration or IAM.
LocationsThe list of Google Compute Engine locations in which the cluster's nodes should be located.
Logging ServiceThe logging service the cluster should use to write logs.
Maintenance Policy Window Daily Maintenance Window DurationDuration of the time window, automatically chosen to be smallest possible in the given scenario. Duration will be in RFC3339 format "PTnHnMnS".
Maintenance Policy Window Daily Maintenance Window Start TimeTime within the maintenance window to start the maintenance operations. Time format should be in RFC3339 format "HH:MM", where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT.
Master Auth Client CertificateBase64-encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
Master Auth Client Certificate Configuration Issue Client CertificateIssue a client certificate.
Master Auth Client KeyBase64-encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
Master Auth Cluster CA CertificateBase64-encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
Master Auth UsernameThe username to use for HTTP basic authentication to the master endpoint. For clusters v1.6.0 and later, you can disable basic authentication by providing an empty username.
Master Authorized Networks Configuration CIDR Blocks CIDR BlockList of cidrBlocks that must be specified in CIDR notation.
Master Authorized Networks Configuration CIDR Blocks Display NameList of cidrBlock displayNames (an optional field for users to identify CIDR blocks.
Master Authorized Networks Configuration EnabledWhether or not master authorized networks is enabled.
Monitoring ServiceThe monitoring service the cluster should use to write metrics.
NameThe name of this cluster.
NetworkThe name of the Google Compute Engine network to which the cluster is connected. If left unspecified, the default network will be used.
Network Policy EnabledWhether network policy is enabled on the cluster.
Network Policy ProviderThe selected network policy provider.
Node Configuration Accelerators Accelerator TypeThe accelerator type resource name.
Node Configuration Disk Size (Gigabytes)Size of the disk attached to each node.
Node Configuration Image TypeThe image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
Node Configuration LabelsThe map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
Node Configuration Local SSD CountThe number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node. The limit for this value is dependant upon the maximum number of disks available on a machine per zone.
Node Configuration Machine TypeThe name of a Google Compute Engine machine type (e.g. n1-standard-1).
Node Configuration MetadataThe metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
Node Configuration Minimum CPU PlatformMinimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
Node Configuration OAuth ScopesThe set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the "default" service account.
Node Configuration PreemptibleWhether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances. See: for more information about preemptible VM instances.
Node Configuration Service AccountThe Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs. If no Service Account is specified, the "default" service account is used.
Node Configuration TagsThe list of instance tags applied to all nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during cluster or node pool creation. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035.
Node IPv4 CIDR SizeThe size of the address space on each node for hosting containers. This is provisioned from within the container_ipv4_cidr range.
Project IDThe project ID in which this resource was created.
Resource LabelsThe resource labels for the cluster to use to annotate any related Google Compute Engine resources. An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
Self LinkServer-defined URL for the resource.
Services IPv4 CIDRThe IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g. Service addresses are typically put in the last /16 from the container CIDR.
StatusThe current status of this cluster.
Status MessageAdditional information about the current status of this cluster, if available.
SubnetworkThe name of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected.
ZoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.


Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name for the cluster the container is running in.
CPU Allocation (Cores)Amount of CPU reserved for container. If no CPU limit is set, this will be zero.
CPU Usage (%)Average Cumulative CPU usage. This number divided by the elapsed time represents CPU usage, regardless of any limits that might be set.
CPU Utilization (%)The amount of allocated CPU that is currently in use by the container. If no CPU limit is set, then this metric is not set.
Disk Capacity (Bytes)Total capacity on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Disk Usage (Bytes)Total usage on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Instance IDThe identifier for the Compute Engine instance the container is running in.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of container.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage by container.
NameThe name of the container.
Namespace IDThe identifier for the cluster namespace the container is running in.
Page FaultsNumber of page faults.
Pod IDThe identifier for the pod the container is running in.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the container.
Uptime (%)Average % time that container has been up.
ZoneThe zone for the instance.

Detailed Container

Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Total accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Total accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name of the cluster that the container is running in.
Container NameThe name of the container.
CPU Limit Utilization (%)The amount of CPU limit that is currently in use on the instance.
CPU Request Utilization (%)The amount of requested CPU that is currently in use on the instance. This value can be greater than 100% as usage can exceed the request.
CPU Usage Time (%)Cumulative CPU usage on all cores used by the container.
Limit Cores (Cores)CPU limit of the container.
LocationThe physical location of the cluster that contains the container.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of the container.
Memory Limit Utilization (%)The amount of memory limit that is currently in use on the instance.
Memory Request (Bytes)Memory requested data of the container.
Memory Request Utilization (%)The amount of requested memory that is currently in use on the instance. This value can be greater than 100% as usage can exceed the request.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage.
Namespace NameThe name of the namespace that the container is running in.
Pod NameThe name of the pod that the container is running in.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the container.
Requested CPU (Cores)Number of CPUs requested by the container.
Restart CountNumber of times the container has restarted.
Uptime (Seconds)Time that the container has been running.

Detailed Node

Allocatable Cores (Cores)Amount of allocatable CPU on the node.
Allocatable Memory (Bytes)Cumulative memory used by the node.
Cluster NameThe name of the cluster that the node is a part of.
CPU Allocatable Utilization (%)The amount of allocatable CPU that is currently in use on the instance.
CPU Usage Time (%)Cumulative CPU usage on all cores used on the node.
Daemon CPU Usage Time (%)Cumulative CPU usage on all cores used by the node level system daemon in seconds.
Daemon Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage by the system daemon in the node.
Data Received (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data received by the node over the network.
Data Transmitted (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data transmitted by the node over the network.
LocationThe physical location of the cluster that containsthe node.
Memory Allocatable Utilization (%)The amount of allocatable memory that is currently in use on the instance.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Cumulative memory used by the node.
Node NameThe name of the node.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Total Cores (Cores)Total number of CPUs on the node.
Total Memory (Bytes)Cumulative memory allocatable on the node.

Detailed Pod

Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Total accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Total accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name of the cluster that the pod is running in.
CPU Limit Utilization (%)The amount of CPU limit that is currently in use on the instance.
CPU Request Utilization (%)The amount of requested CPU that is currently in use on the instance. This value can be greater than 100% as usage can exceed the request.
CPU Usage Time (%)Cumulative CPU usage on all cores used by the containers in the pod.
Data Received (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data received by the pod over the network.
Data Transmitted (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data transmitted by the pod over the network.
Limit Cores (Cores)The CPU limit of the containers in the pod.
LocationThe physical location of the cluster that contains the pod.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of the containers in the pod.
Memory Limit Utilization (%)The amount of memory limit that is currently in use on the instance.
Memory Request (Bytes)Memory requested data of the containers in the pod.
Memory Request Utilization (%)The amount of requested memory that is currently in use on the instance. This value can be greater than 100% as usage can exceed the request.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage.
Namespace NameThe name of the namespace that the pod is running in.
Pod NameThe name of the pod.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the containers in the pod.
Requested CPU (Cores)CPU allocation requested by the containers in the pod.
Restart CountNumber of times the containers in the pod have restarted.
Uptime (Seconds)Avg. Time that the containers in the pod have been running.
Volume Capacity (Bytes)Total disk data available to the pod.
Volume Usage (Bytes)Disk data used by the pod.
Volume Utilization (%)The amount of volume that is currently being used by the instance.

Detailed Volume

Cluster NameThe name of the cluster that the pod is running in.
LocationThe physical location of the cluster that contains the pod.
Namespace NameThe name of the namespace that the pod is running in.
Pod NameThe name of the pod.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Volume Capacity (Bytes)Disk data available to the volume.
Volume NameThe name of the volume (e.g. /dev/sda1).
Volume Usage (Bytes)Disk data used by the volume.
Volume Utilization (%)The amount of volume that is currently being used by the instance.

Detailed Zoned Cluster

Allocatable Cores (Cores)Number of allocatable CPU cores on the nodes in the cluster.
Allocatable Memory (Bytes)Cumulative memory used by the nodes in the cluster.
Cluster NameThe name of the cluster.
CPU Allocatable Utilization (%)The average amount of allocatable CPU that is currently in use on the instances in the cluster.
CPU Usage Time (%)Avg. cumulative CPU usage on all cores used on the nodes in this cluster.
Daemon CPU Usage Time (%)Cumulative CPU usage on all cores used by the nodes level system daemon in seconds.
Daemon Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage by the system daemon in the cluster.
Data Received (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data received by the nodes in the cluster over the network.
Data Transmitted (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data transmitted by the nodes in the cluster over the network.
LocationThe physical location of the cluster.
Memory Allocatable Utilization (%)The average amount of allocatable memory that is currently in use on the instance in the cluster.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Cumulative memory used by the nodes in the cluster.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Total Cores (Cores)Total amount of CPU power on the nodes in the cluster.
Total Memory (Bytes)Cumulative memory allocatable on the nodes in the cluster.

Detailed Zoned Namespace

Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Total accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Total accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name of the cluster that the pods are running in.
CPU Limit Utilization (%)The amount of CPU limit that is currently in use on the instance.
CPU Request Utilization (%)The amount of requested CPU that is currently in use on the instance. This value can be greater than 100% as usage can exceed the request.
CPU Usage Time (%)Cumulative CPU usage on all cores used by the containers in the namespace.
Data Received (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data received by the namespace over the network.
Data Transmitted (Bytes per Second)Cumulative data transmitted by the namespace over the network.
Limit Cores (Cores)The CPU limit of the containers in the namespace.
LocationThe physical location of the cluster that contains the pods.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of the containers in the namespace.
Memory Limit Utilization (%)The amount of memory limit that is currently in use on the instance.
Memory Request (Bytes)Memory requested data of the containers in the namespace.
Memory Request Utilization (%)The amount of requested memory that is currently in use on the instance. This value can be greater than 100% as usage can exceed the request.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage.
Namespace NameThe name of the namespace.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the containers in the namespace.
Requested CPU (Cores)CPU allocation requested by the containers in the namespace.
Restart CountNumber of times the containers in the namespace have restarted.
Uptime (Seconds)Avg. Time that the containers in the namespace have been running.
Volume Capacity (Bytes)Total disk data available to the namespace.
Volume Usage (Bytes)Disk data used by the namespace.
Volume Utilization (%)The amount of disk space that is currently being used by the instance.


Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name for the cluster the container is running in.
CPU Allocation (Cores)CPU reserved for containers in the node. If no CPU limit is set, this will be zero.
CPU Usage (%)Average Cumulative CPU usage on all cores across a node. This number divided by the elapsed time represents CPU usage, regardless of any limits that might be set.
CPU Utilization (%)The amount of allocated CPU that is currently in use on all containers within the node. If no core limit is set, then this metric is not set.
Disk Capacity (Bytes)Total capacity on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Disk Usage (Bytes)Total usage on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Instance IDThe identifier for the Compute Engine instance the container is running in.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of all containers within node.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage across containers for node.
Page FaultsNumber of page faults.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the containers in the node.
Uptime (%)Average % time that all containers within node have been up.
ZoneThe zone for the instance.

Node Pool

Accelerators Accelerator TypeA list of the accelerator type resource names.
Auto RepairA flag that specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.
Auto UpgradeA flag that specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.
Cluster NameThe name of the cluster for the node pool.
Disk Size (Gigabytes)Size of the disk attached to each node.
EnabledIs autoscaling enabled for this node pool.
Image TypeThe image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
Initial Node CountThe initial node count for the pool. You must ensure that your Compute Engine resource quota is sufficient for this number of instances. You must also have available firewall and routes quota.
Instance Group URLsThe resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
LabelsThe map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
Local SSD CountThe number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node. The limit for this value is dependant upon the maximum number of disks available on a machine per zone.
Machine TypeThe name of a Google Compute Engine machine type (e.g. n1-standard-1).
Maximum Node CountMaximum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= minNodeCount. There has to enough quota to scale up the cluster.
MetadataThe metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
Minimum CPU PlatformMinimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
Minimum Node CountMinimum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= 1 and <= maxNodeCount.
NameThe name of the node pool.
OAuth ScopesThe set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the "default" service account.
PreemptibleWhether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances. See: for more information about preemptible VM instances.
Project IDThe project ID in which this resource was created.
Self LinkServer-defined URL for the resource.
Service AccountThe Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs. If no Service Account is specified, the "default" service account is used.
StatusThe status of the nodes in this pool instance.
Status MessageAdditional information about the current status of this node pool instance, if available.
TagsThe list of instance tags applied to all nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during cluster or node pool creation. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035.
Upgrade Options Auto Upgrade Start TimeThis field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, in RFC3339 text format.
Upgrade Options DescriptionThis field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade.
VersionThe version of the Kubernetes of this node.


Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name for the cluster the container is running in.
CPU Allocation (Cores)CPU reserved for containers in the pod. If no CPU limit is set, this will be zero.
CPU Usage (%)Average Cumulative CPU usage on all cores across a pod. This number divided by the elapsed time represents CPU usage, regardless of any limit that might be set.
CPU Utilization (%)The amount of allocated CPU that is currently in use on all containers within the pod. If no core limit is set, then this metric is not set.
Disk Capacity (Bytes)Total capacity on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Disk Usage (Bytes)Total usage on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
IDThe identifier for the pod the container is running in.
Instance IDThe identifier for the Compute Engine instance the container is running in.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of all containers within pod.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage across containers for pod.
Namespace IDThe identifier for the cluster namespace the container is running in.
Page FaultsNumber of page faults.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the containers in the pod.
Uptime (%)Average % time that all containers within pod have been up.
ZoneThe zone for the instance.


Cluster NameThe name for the cluster the container is running in.
Device NameThe device name for the disk (e.g. /dev/sda1).
Disk Capacity (Bytes)Total capacity on the disk for a pod identified by label 'device_name'.
Disk Usage (Bytes)Total number data used on the disk for a pod identified by label 'device_name'.
Namespace IDThe identifier for the cluster namespace the container is running in.
Pod IDThe identifier for the pod the container is running in.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
ZoneThe zone for the instance.

Zoned Cluster

Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name for the cluster the container is running in.
CPU Allocation (Cores)CPU reserved for containers in the cluster. If no CPU limit is set, this will be zero.
CPU Usage (%)Average Cumulative CPU usage on all cores across a cluster. This number divided by the elapsed time represents CPU usage, regardless of any limits that might be set.
CPU Utilization (%)The amount of allocated CPU that is currently in use on all containers within the cluster. If no CPU limit is set, then this metric is not set.
Disk Capacity (Bytes)Total capacity on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Disk Usage (Bytes)Total usage on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of all containers within cluster.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage across containers for cluster.
Page FaultsNumber of page faults.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the containers in the cluster.
Uptime (%)Average % time that all containers within cluster have been up.
ZoneThe zone for the instance.

Zoned Namespace

Accelerator Duty Cycle (%)Amount of time over the past sample period during which the accelerator was actively processing.
Accelerator Memory Total (Bytes)Accelerator memory.
Accelerator Memory Used (Bytes)Accelerator memory allocated.
Cluster NameThe name for the cluster the container is running in.
CPU Allocation (Cores)CPU reserved for containers in the namespace. If no CPU limit is set, this will be zero.
CPU Usage (%)Average Cumulative CPU usage on all cores across a namespace. This number divided by the elapsed time represents CPU usage, regardless of any limits that might be set.
CPU Utilization (%)The amount of allocated CPU that is currently in use on all containers within the namespace. If no CPU limit is set, then this metric is not set.
Disk Capacity (Bytes)Total capacity on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Disk Usage (Bytes)Total usage on the disk identified by label 'device_name'.
Memory Limit (Bytes)Memory limit of all containers within namespace.
Memory Usage (Bytes)Memory usage across containers for namespace.
Namespace IDThe identifier for the cluster namespace the container is running in.
Page FaultsNumber of page faults.
Project IDThe identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as "my-project".
Request AcceleratorsNumber of accelerator devices requested by the containers in the namespace.
Uptime (%)Average % time that all containers within namespace have been up.
ZoneThe zone for the instance.