Google Cloud Compute Engine

Monitor Google Cloud Compute Engine Virtualization Platform


This source has been deprecated

observIQ is in the process of transitioning a subset of BindPlane's monitoring capabilities to the observIQ OpenTelemetry Collector. As a result, this Source is no longer publicly available in BindPlane. If you need access to this Source, please reach out to our support via chat or via [email protected].


Not Included in the BindPlane with Google Cloud Monitoring offering

All of the Google Cloud Platform sources listed within this documentation are not included with the BindPlane with Google Cloud Monitoring offering.

For more information on how to use the below LPU and other Google Cloud Data Collection setup. See the Google Cloud Platform Sources

Least Privileged User

A user role with the following permissions is required. This is based on a combination of monitoring viewer and compute viewer Roles.


Deploying a Least Privileged User

To learn more about how to deploy a role with these permissions to a GCP Organization, or a GCP Project, please refer to this documentation:
Deploy an Individual LPU role to a GCP Project, or GCP Organization

- cloudnotifications.activities.list
- compute.acceleratorTypes.get
- compute.acceleratorTypes.list
- compute.addresses.get
- compute.addresses.list
- compute.autoscalers.get
- compute.autoscalers.list
- compute.backendBuckets.get
- compute.backendBuckets.list
- compute.backendServices.get
- compute.backendServices.list
- compute.commitments.get
- compute.commitments.list
- compute.diskTypes.get
- compute.diskTypes.list
- compute.disks.get
- compute.disks.getIamPolicy
- compute.disks.list
- compute.firewalls.get
- compute.firewalls.list
- compute.forwardingRules.get
- compute.forwardingRules.list
- compute.globalAddresses.get
- compute.globalAddresses.list
- compute.globalForwardingRules.get
- compute.globalForwardingRules.list
- compute.globalOperations.get
- compute.globalOperations.getIamPolicy
- compute.globalOperations.list
- compute.healthChecks.get
- compute.healthChecks.list
- compute.httpHealthChecks.get
- compute.httpHealthChecks.list
- compute.httpsHealthChecks.get
- compute.httpsHealthChecks.list
- compute.images.get
- compute.images.getFromFamily
- compute.images.getIamPolicy
- compute.images.list
- compute.instanceGroupManagers.get
- compute.instanceGroupManagers.list
- compute.instanceGroups.get
- compute.instanceGroups.list
- compute.instanceTemplates.get
- compute.instanceTemplates.getIamPolicy
- compute.instanceTemplates.list
- compute.instances.get
- compute.instances.getGuestAttributes
- compute.instances.getIamPolicy
- compute.instances.getSerialPortOutput
- compute.instances.getShieldedInstanceIdentity
- compute.instances.getShieldedVmIdentity
- compute.instances.list
- compute.instances.listReferrers
- compute.interconnectAttachments.get
- compute.interconnectAttachments.list
- compute.interconnectLocations.get
- compute.interconnectLocations.list
- compute.interconnects.get
- compute.interconnects.list
- compute.licenseCodes.get
- compute.licenseCodes.getIamPolicy
- compute.licenseCodes.list
- compute.licenses.get
- compute.licenses.getIamPolicy
- compute.licenses.list
- compute.machineTypes.get
- compute.machineTypes.list
- compute.maintenancePolicies.get
- compute.maintenancePolicies.getIamPolicy
- compute.maintenancePolicies.list
- compute.networks.get
- compute.networks.list
- compute.nodeGroups.get
- compute.nodeGroups.getIamPolicy
- compute.nodeGroups.list
- compute.nodeTemplates.get
- compute.nodeTemplates.getIamPolicy
- compute.nodeTemplates.list
- compute.nodeTypes.get
- compute.nodeTypes.list
- compute.projects.get
- compute.regionBackendServices.get
- compute.regionBackendServices.list
- compute.regionOperations.get
- compute.regionOperations.getIamPolicy
- compute.regionOperations.list
- compute.regions.get
- compute.regions.list
- compute.reservations.get
- compute.reservations.list
- compute.resourcePolicies.get
- compute.resourcePolicies.list
- compute.routers.get
- compute.routers.list
- compute.routes.get
- compute.routes.list
- compute.securityPolicies.get
- compute.securityPolicies.getIamPolicy
- compute.securityPolicies.list
- compute.snapshots.get
- compute.snapshots.getIamPolicy
- compute.snapshots.list
- compute.sslCertificates.get
- compute.sslCertificates.list
- compute.sslPolicies.get
- compute.sslPolicies.list
- compute.sslPolicies.listAvailableFeatures
- compute.subnetworks.get
- compute.subnetworks.getIamPolicy
- compute.subnetworks.list
- compute.targetHttpProxies.get
- compute.targetHttpProxies.list
- compute.targetHttpsProxies.get
- compute.targetHttpsProxies.list
- compute.targetInstances.get
- compute.targetInstances.list
- compute.targetPools.get
- compute.targetPools.list
- compute.targetSslProxies.get
- compute.targetSslProxies.list
- compute.targetTcpProxies.get
- compute.targetTcpProxies.list
- compute.targetVpnGateways.get
- compute.targetVpnGateways.list
- compute.urlMaps.get
- compute.urlMaps.list
- compute.urlMaps.validate
- compute.vpnTunnels.get
- compute.vpnTunnels.list
- compute.zoneOperations.get
- compute.zoneOperations.getIamPolicy
- compute.zoneOperations.list
- compute.zones.get
- compute.zones.list
- monitoring.alertPolicies.get
- monitoring.alertPolicies.list
- monitoring.dashboards.get
- monitoring.dashboards.list
- monitoring.groups.get
- monitoring.groups.list
- monitoring.metricDescriptors.get
- monitoring.metricDescriptors.list
- monitoring.monitoredResourceDescriptors.get
- monitoring.monitoredResourceDescriptors.list
- monitoring.notificationChannelDescriptors.get
- monitoring.notificationChannelDescriptors.list
- monitoring.notificationChannels.get
- monitoring.notificationChannels.list
- monitoring.publicWidgets.get
- monitoring.publicWidgets.list
- monitoring.timeSeries.list
- monitoring.uptimeCheckConfigs.get
- monitoring.uptimeCheckConfigs.list
- resourcemanager.projects.get
- resourcemanager.projects.list
- serviceusage.quotas.get
- stackdriver.projects.get

Connection Parameters

Private Key JSONRequiredThe contents of the private key JSON file created when setting up a service account.
Project IDRequiredThe Google Cloud Platform Project ID.



Creation TimestampCreation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
DescriptionAn optional description of this resource.
IDThe identifier for this disk.
NameThe name of this disk.
Read Throughput (Bytes)Delta count of bytes read from disk.
Reads (Reads)Delta count of disk read IO operations.
Self LinkServer-defined URL for this resource.
Size (Gibibytes)Size of the persistent disk.
Source ImageThe source image used to create this disk.
Source Image IDThe ID value of the image used to create this disk.
Source Snapshot IDThe unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk.
StatusThe status of disk creation.
Throttled Read Throughput (Bytes)Delta count of bytes in throttled read operations.
Throttled Reads (Reads)Delta count of throttled read operations.
Throttled Write Throughput (Bytes)Delta count of bytes in throttled write operations.
Throttled Writes (Writes)Delta count of throttled write operations.
TypeURL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
UsersThe list of instances using this disk.
Write Throughput (Bytes)Delta count of bytes written to disk.
Writes (Writes)Delta count of disk write IO operations.
ZoneURL of the zone where the instance resides.


Can IP ForwardAllows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs.
CPU Reserved CoresNumber of cores reserved on the host of the instance.
CPU Usage Time (Seconds)Delta CPU usage for all cores, in seconds.
CPU UtilizationThe fraction of the allocated CPU that is currently in use on the instance.
Creation TimestampCreation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
DescriptionAn optional description of this resource.
IDThe identifier for this instance.
Machine TypeFull or partial URL of the machine type resource used for this instance.
NameThe name of this instance.
Network IPsThe network IPs assigned to this instance.
Received Packets (Packets)Delta count of packets received from the network.
Received Throughput (Bytes)Delta count of bytes received from the network.
Scheduling Automatic RestartSpecifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
Scheduling On Host MaintenanceDefines the maintenance behavior for this instance.
Scheduling PreemptibleDefines whether the instance is preemptible.
Self LinkServer-defined URL for this resource.
Sent Packets (Packets)Delta count of packets sent over the network.
Sent Throughput (Bytes)Delta count of bytes sent over the network.
Start RestrictedWhether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected suspicious activity.
StatusThe status of the instance.
Status MessageA human-readable explanation of the status.
Uptime (Seconds)How long the VM has been running, in seconds.
ZoneURL of the zone where the instance resides.


NameThe name for this label.
Parent Object IDThe identifier of the tagged instance.
ValueThe value of this label.


Instance IDInstance identifier.
KeyKey for the metadata entry.
ValueValue for the metadata entry.


Disk Size (Gibibytes)The size of the snapshot.
IDThe identifier for this snapshot.
NameThe name of this snapshot.
Source Disk IDThe ID value of the disk used to create this snapshot.
StatusThe status of the snapshot.
Storage (Bytes)A size of the storage used by the snapshot.
Storage StatusAn indicator whether Storage Bytes is in a stable state or it is being adjusted as a result of shared storage reallocation.


Instance IDThe identifier of the tagged instance.
NameThe name for this tag.