Google Cloud Monitoring Metrics

Metric Type
Display Name
Kind, Type, Unit Description


Metric prefixes

All metrics listed below are prefixed with except for the metrics that are also listed in the associated Stackdriver Agent Migration page. If the collector is installed on the RabbitMQ host system, the metrics listed there will be prefixed with

Google Cloud Monitoring Metrics
Messages Acknowledged
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that were acknowledged, aggregated across all queues in the cluster.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of channels in the cluster.
GAUGE, INT64, ConnectionsNumber of cluster connections.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of consumers across all channels in the cluster.
Disk Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages read from and written to disk.
operation: Disk operation (read or write).
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of exchanges in the cluster.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of messages aggregated across all queues in the cluster.
Messages Confirmed
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that have been confirmed.
Messages Delivered
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that have been delivered.
Messages Delivered in Acknowledgement Mode
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode.
Messages Delivered in No-Acknowledgment Mode
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages delivered in no-acknowledgement mode.
Messages Published
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that have been published.
Messages Ready
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of messages ready to be delivered to clients, aggregated across all queues in the cluster.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of queues in the cluster.
Messages Redelivered
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages in deliver_get which had the redelivered flag set.
Statistics Database Event Queue Length
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of events that the management statistics database has not yet processed.
Messages Unacknowledged
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of messages that have been delivered but not acknowledged, aggregated across all queues in the cluster.
Messages Unroutable
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that were returned to the publisher as unroutable.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of channels using the connection.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByData sent and received by the node through the connection.
direction: Direction of the throughput (received or sent).
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aReductions, or function calls, that have taken place on the channel.
Send Queue Size
GAUGE, INT64, n/aSize of the send queue.
Average Erlang Processes Waiting
GAUGE, INT64, n/aAverage number of Erlang processes waiting to run on the node.
Average I/O Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, sAverage wall time of disk operations.
operation: Disk operation (read, write, seek, sync)
Disk Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsCounts of disk operations.
operation: Disk operation (read, write, seek, sync)
Disk Free
GAUGE, INT64, ByDisk space not yet in use by the node.
Erlang Processes
GAUGE, INT64, ProcessesNumber of Erlang processes running on the node.
File Descriptors Used as Sockets
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of file descriptors used as sockets by RabbitMQ processes.
Disk Throughput
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByCounts of data written to and read from disk.
direction: Direction of the throughput (read or write).
Memory Alarm
GAUGE, BOOL, n/aWhether the memory alarm has been triggered.
Memory Used
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory in use by the node.
Message Store Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages read from and written to the message store.
operation: Operation performed on the message store (read or write).
Mnesia Disk Writes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsCount of Mnesia transactions which required writing to disk.
Mnesia RAM Writes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsCount of Mnesia transactions which did not require writing to disk.
Queue Index Journal Writes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, RecordsCount of records written to the queue index journal.
Queue Index Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, RecordsCounts of records read from or written to the queue index.
operation: Operation performed on the queue index (read or write).
GAUGE, BOOL, n/aWhether the node is running.
Total File Descriptors
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of available file descriptors.
Total File Descriptors as Sockets
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of file descriptors available to use as sockets.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msTime since the Erlang VM started.
Used File Descriptors
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of file descriptors used by RabbitMQ processes.
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe number of messages in a queue.
state: State of the messages (ready or unacknowledged).
queue: The rabbit queue name.
Messages Acknowledged
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that were acknowledged.
Consumer Utilization
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %Proportion of time that the queue's consumers are able to receive new messages.
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe number of consumers reading from the specified queue.
queue: The rabbit queue name.
Memory Usage
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory used by the queue process, calculated using the cluster's 'vm_memory_calculation_strategy' configuration value.
Message RAM Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByTotal size of all message bodies of messages in the queue which are currently held in RAM.
Message Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByTotal size of all message bodies in the queue, excluding overhead.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of messages in the queue, including ready and unacknowledged messages.
Messages Delivered
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that have been delivered.
Messages Delivered in Acknowledgement Mode
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode.
Messages Delivered in No-Acknowledgment Mode
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aMessages Delivered in No-Acknowledgment Mode.
Messages Delivered On Demand in Acknowledgement Mode
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get.
Messages Delivered On Demand in No-Acknowledgement Mode
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages delivered in no-acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get.
Messages Published
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages that have been published to the queue.
Persistent Message Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByTotal size of all message bodies of persistent messages in the queue.
Ready Message Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByTotal size of all message bodies of messages in the queue which are ready to be delivered.
Messages Redelivered
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aCount of messages in the deliver_get which had the redelivered flag set.
Delivery rate
GAUGE, DOUBLE, 1/sThe rate (per second) at which messages are being delivered.
queue: The rabbit queue name.
Publish rate
GAUGE, DOUBLE, 1/sThe rate (per second) at which messages are being published.
queue: The rabbit queue name.