Google Cloud Hybrid Connectivity

Monitor Google Cloud to Multi-Cloud Networking


Not Included in the BindPlane with Google Cloud Monitoring offering

All of the Google Cloud Platform sources listed within this documentation are not included with the BindPlane with Google Cloud Monitoring offering.

For more information on how to use the below LPU and other Google Cloud Data Collection setup. See the Google Cloud Platform Sources

Least Privileged User

A user role with the at least the following permissions is required:


Deploying a Least Privileged User

To learn more about how to deploy a role with these permissions to a GCP Organization, or a GCP Project, please refer to this documentation:
Deploy an Individual LPU role to a GCP Project, or GCP Organization

- cloudnotifications.activities.list
- monitoring.alertPolicies.get
- monitoring.alertPolicies.list
- monitoring.dashboards.get
- monitoring.dashboards.list
- monitoring.groups.get
- monitoring.groups.list
- monitoring.metricDescriptors.get
- monitoring.metricDescriptors.list
- monitoring.monitoredResourceDescriptors.get
- monitoring.monitoredResourceDescriptors.list
- monitoring.notificationChannelDescriptors.get
- monitoring.notificationChannelDescriptors.list
- monitoring.notificationChannels.get
- monitoring.notificationChannels.list
- monitoring.publicWidgets.get
- monitoring.publicWidgets.list
- monitoring.timeSeries.list
- monitoring.uptimeCheckConfigs.get
- monitoring.uptimeCheckConfigs.list
- resourcemanager.projects.get
- resourcemanager.projects.list
- stackdriver.projects.get
- compute.addresses.get
- compute.addresses.list
- compute.backendBuckets.get
- compute.backendBuckets.list
- compute.backendServices.get
- compute.backendServices.list
- compute.firewalls.get
- compute.firewalls.list
- compute.forwardingRules.get
- compute.forwardingRules.list
- compute.globalAddresses.get
- compute.globalAddresses.list
- compute.globalForwardingRules.get
- compute.globalForwardingRules.list
- compute.healthChecks.get
- compute.healthChecks.list
- compute.httpHealthChecks.get
- compute.httpHealthChecks.list
- compute.httpsHealthChecks.get
- compute.httpsHealthChecks.list
- compute.instanceGroups.get
- compute.instanceGroups.list
- compute.instances.get
- compute.instances.getGuestAttributes
- compute.instances.getSerialPortOutput
- compute.instances.list
- compute.instances.listReferrers
- compute.interconnectAttachments.get
- compute.interconnectAttachments.list
- compute.interconnectLocations.get
- compute.interconnectLocations.list
- compute.interconnects.get
- compute.interconnects.list
- compute.networks.get
- compute.networks.list
- compute.projects.get
- compute.regionBackendServices.get
- compute.regionBackendServices.list
- compute.regions.get
- compute.regions.list
- compute.routers.get
- compute.routers.list
- compute.routes.get
- compute.routes.list
- compute.sslCertificates.get
- compute.sslCertificates.list
- compute.sslPolicies.get
- compute.sslPolicies.list
- compute.sslPolicies.listAvailableFeatures
- compute.subnetworks.get
- compute.subnetworks.list
- compute.targetHttpProxies.get
- compute.targetHttpProxies.list
- compute.targetHttpsProxies.get
- compute.targetHttpsProxies.list
- compute.targetInstances.get
- compute.targetInstances.list
- compute.targetPools.get
- compute.targetPools.list
- compute.targetSslProxies.get
- compute.targetSslProxies.list
- compute.targetTcpProxies.get
- compute.targetTcpProxies.list
- compute.targetVpnGateways.get
- compute.targetVpnGateways.list
- compute.urlMaps.get
- compute.urlMaps.list
- compute.vpnTunnels.get
- compute.vpnTunnels.list
- compute.zones.get
- compute.zones.list
- serviceusage.quotas.get

Connection Parameters

Private Key JSONRequiredThe contents of the private key JSON file created when setting up a service account.
Metric CollectionControls which metrics get requested from GCP's Stackdriver API.
ProjectsRequiredA comma separated whitelist of project IDs. If the wildcard "*" is used, resources will be collected from all available projects.
RegionsRequiredA comma separated whitelist of regions. At least one region must be specified.
Connection TimeoutThe number of seconds to allow for connecting to the target.


Cloud Router

BGP Received RoutesCurrent number of routes received on a bgp session.
BGP Sent RoutesCurrent number of routes sent on a bgp session.
BGP Session StatusIndicator for successful bgp session establishment.
BGP Sessions DownNumber of BGP sessions on the router that are down.
BGP Sessions UpNumber of BGP sessions on the router that are up.
Creation TimestampCreation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
DescriptionAn optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
NameName of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created.
NetworkURI of the network to which this router belongs.
Project IDThe identifier of the project that the router belongs to.
Received RoutesCurrent number of best routes received by router.
RegionThe region in which the router is present.
Router IDThe unique ID of the router.
Router StatusRouter status, up or down.
Sent RoutesCurrent number of routes sent by router.

VPN Gateway

Creation TimestampCreation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
DescriptionAn optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
Forwarding RulesA list of URLs to the ForwardingRule resources. ForwardingRules are created using compute.forwardingRules.insert and associated to a VPN gateway.
Gateway IDThe unique identifier for the gateway.
Gateway NameThe name of the gateway.
Incoming Packets Dropped (Packets per Second)Ingress (received from peer VPN) packets dropped for tunnel.
KindType of resource. Always compute#targetVpnGateway for target VPN gateways.
NetworkURL of the network to which this VPN gateway is attached. Provided by the client when the VPN gateway is created.
Outgoing Packets Dropped (Packets per Second)Egress (directed to peer VPN) packets dropped for tunnel.
Project IDThe identifier for the project this gateway belongs to.
Received Data (Bytes per Second)Ingress (received from peer VPN) data for tunnel.
RegionThe region in which the gateway resides.
Self LinkServer-defined URL for the resource.
Sent Data (Bytes per Second)Egress (directed to peer VPN) data for tunnel.
StatusThe status of the VPN gateway.
Tunnel EstablishedIndicates successful tunnel establishment if > 0.
TunnelsA list of URLs to VpnTunnel resources. VpnTunnels are created using compute.vpntunnels.insert method and associated to a VPN gateway.

VPN Tunnel

Creation TimestampCreation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
DescriptionAn optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
Detailed StatusDetailed status message for the VPN tunnel.
Gateway IDThe unique identifier for the parent gateway.
Gateway NameThe name of the parent gateway.
Ike VersionIKE protocol version to use when establishing the VPN tunnel with peer VPN gateway. Acceptable IKE versions are 1 or 2. Default version is 2.
Incoming Packets Dropped (Packets per Second)Ingress (received from peer VPN) packets dropped for tunnel.
KindType of resource. Always compute#vpnTunnel for VPN tunnels.
Local Traffic SelectorLocal traffic selector to use when establishing the VPN tunnel with peer VPN gateway. The value should be a CIDR formatted string, for example: The ranges should be disjoint. Only IPv4 is supported.
Outgoing Packets Dropped (Packets per Second)Egress (directed to peer VPN) packets dropped for tunnel.
Peer IpIP address of the peer VPN gateway. Only IPv4 is supported.
Project IDThe identifier for the project this gateway belongs to.
Received Data (Bytes per Second)Ingress (received from peer VPN) data for tunnel.
RegionThe region in which the tunnel resides.
Remote Traffic SelectorRemote traffic selectors to use when establishing the VPN tunnel with peer VPN gateway. The value should be a CIDR formatted string, for example: The ranges should be disjoint. Only IPv4 is supported.
RouterURL of router resource to be used for dynamic routing.
Self LinkServer-defined URL for the resource.
Sent Data (Bytes per Second)Egress (directed to peer VPN) data for tunnel.
Shared SecretShared secret used to set the secure session between the Cloud VPN gateway and the peer VPN gateway.
Shared Secret HashHash of the shared secret.
StatusThe status of the VPN tunnel.
Target VPN GatewayURL of the Target VPN gateway with which this VPN tunnel is associated. Provided by the client when the VPN tunnel is created.
Tunnel EstablishedIndicates successful tunnel establishment if > 0.
Tunnel NameThe name of the tunnel.